quack theory造句


  1. Neandertals, the Flores Hobbits, etc . I'm no expert, and this could be a crazy quack theory.
  2. He does not promote quack theories but merely warns us of what is going on in the world that will affect all of us.
  3. The book sets out to " debunk the myths and expose the quack theories of the multi-million-pound self-improvement industry ".
  4. I went to read on the biographical article about Dr L . B . Shettles to see if he was a quack with a quack theory.
  5. :" No criticism, no description of the quack theory "-Hes just deleted valid references and calling Pivar's work " quack " and elsewhere " utter crankery ".
  6. It's difficult to find quack theory in a sentence. 用quack theory造句挺难的
  7. In South Africa, Nelson Mandela, the first freely elected president, was prudish about sexual matters, and he was succeeded by Mbeki, who thoroughly confused the issue by embracing quack theories that HIV was not to blame.
  8. :: : : : : WMF relies on Section 230 to escape legal concerns; if WMF is knowingly promoting programs that encourage copyright violation and quack theories in medical articles ( after they have been advised ), will they be able to hide behind Section 230?


  1. "quack quack"造句
  2. "quack remedies"造句
  3. "quack remedy"造句
  4. "quack science"造句
  5. "quack test"造句
  6. "quackademic"造句
  7. "quackademic medicine"造句
  8. "quackbuster"造句
  9. "quackbusters"造句
  10. "quackbusting"造句

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